Junior Gardener Features

Come, Junior Gardener, and Explore!

Featured Foods

How do you grow your own plants for food? From seeds to picking, learn about the tasty types of edible plants you can grow

Wildlife Corner

Critters visit out gardens. Some are harmless, but others can be pests. How do we identify (and deal with) them?


Let’s use our favorite featured foods to make something delicious!


Plant Picks

Explore the wonders that you can grow in your garden, yard, or maybe even a sunny windowsill indoors!

Explore Plant Picks!



Not every garden grows in the same place. Learn about weather, climates, and considerations for growing your garden based on where it gets to grow and thrive



They grow everywhere! How can we use and appreciate the “weeds” around us?





Look a little more deeply at the bugs crawling through your garden, good and bad



Garden Guide

There are so many toys and tools out there! Learn some projects, techniques and other tips and tricks to use in the garden.

Fanciful Flowers

Sometimes you just want to enjoy a beautiful bloom! Let’s learn about specific types of flower, growing tips, and maybe even some possible uses for each!

Flavor Fest

You cook with herbs and spices, but do you know how they grow and where they come from?

Physics, chemistry, biology, botany, zoology, and more!

Let’s learn some science lessons directly from our own outdoor world!

Craft Corner


Arts, crafts, projects and other creative ideas for whole-family fun!




Learn what’s special about the giants towering over your yard or garden




Native and wild plants thrive all around us. What can we learn about them?


Fun and Games!

Find some fun for all ages!



Crossword puzzles

Word searches

Coloring pages

 And more! 

Feel free to suggest more ideas and topics through our “Contact Us” page!